An Ode to the Mountain

The project "An Ode to the Mountain" arose from direct contact with the natural environments of Cantabria, and it was developed during NAT art residency. The project consists of a two-channel video and performance exploring the experience of the mountain.

Stills from the video "An Ode to the Mountain"
Two channel video HD with sound
6 min 28 sec
Filmed in Cantabria, Spain


The project "An Ode to the Mountain" arose from direct contact with the natural environments of Cantabria. The visits to the caves of El Pendo, Las Monedas, El Castillo, Covalanas, and the Neo cave of Altamira, were the starting point; caves millions of years old, world heritage sites containing Palaeolithic cave art dated between 65,000 and 10,000 BC.

To come into direct contact with the origins.
To explore the bowels of a mountain.
To experience the geological archive of the world.
To witness absolute darkness.

The video explores the experience of the mountain. It presents a tribute to the mountain through a gratitude ritual for that place of inner clarity to which the mountain speaks without words, inviting me to reconnect.

A proposal to enter into contact and dialogue with the natural environment through sensitivity, inviting the viewer to reconnect with the here-now and take refuge in the eternal present through the earth's mineral wealth.

Going into the mountain shows me the transition from resistance to surrender, chaos to silence, and weight to lightness. By inhabiting the mountain I discovered how to inhabit myself.

An ode to the mountain, an encounter, an intertwining between the mountain and myself through a dance of initiation to contemplation and presence. A dance that approaches a Katsugen Undo, a spontaneous movement that gives way to fluidity, emphasizing what the body knows, and allowing me to surrender myself to the mountain, that teaches me, again and again, the way back to myself.